07859 066400

Our Place in Space

Journey around the Solar System and discover the size and distances of planets within our own neighbourhood. Take part in the “Human Solar System,” experiment with how it was formed and then assemble your own scale model.

Type of Workshop In Person, Online
Duration 1 – 1.5 hours
Suitable For KS1/KS2
Online Session Cost £100
In Person Cost From £200 Half Day / £350 Full Day

All school/community-based workshops are a maximum of 35 children in any one session, unless they are online and then a maximum of 3 classes in one sitting.

If booking for Brownies, Guides, Scouts etc., please contact us for prices.

Our Place in Space

"Thank you so much for a fantastic workshop! It was so wonderful having an expert to answer all their questions. The children had a super time"

Miss Taylor, Barton Junior School, Kent

"I enjoyed the Human Solar System, especially when I was picked to act out being the Sun."

Monty - East Brent First School

""The Our Place in Space Workshop was fabulous! The children really enjoyed the experience and certainly went away with lots of knowledge and so did I! "

Miss Bredow, Oaklands Primary School, Yeovil

"I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the Dark Skies zoom event on Friday. Jo was excellent and provided such interesting facts, making astronomy achievable for all. I for one cannot wait to get down to Exmoor and follow some of her tips!"

Participant, Exmoor Dark Skies Festival

"Thank you for coming to our school. I loved using the VR Headset. It was a fantastic way to learn!"

Owen - Kingswood Prep School

"Jo was inspiring, both to teachers and pupils. Her subject knowledge was phenomenal - staff learnt just as much as pupils did - and her delivery was pitched perfectly for the wide range of children with whom she worked. Jo brought some great resources to enhance the teaching and learning activities and was well prepared for all lessons. she really injected a huge sense of enthusiasm and energy into the whole week. Thank you, Jo."

Miss Sparks - Trinity School, Portishead